8 types of Magnesium | Magnesium Benefits and Options

 Is there only 1 type of magnesium?

Are all magnesium types the same? No! 

Here is a list of types of magnesium and a bit of what they do.

1. Magnesium amino acid chelate is magnesium connected to an amino acid. This connection makes the magnesium much more absorbable than other forms of magnesium. This could be a glycinate, citrate or taurate. Derived from the magnesium salt of citric acid, magnesium citrate, is a highly soluble form of magnesium. Magnesium citrate and magnesium chelate are two of the most absorbable forms of magnesium and great for tight achy muscles, muscle cramps, and constipation.

2. Magnesium Threonate is best for memory and mental clarity.

Research shows it protects the brain from cognitive decline and aging.

3. Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium oxide is therapeutically used as a laxative. It isn’t absorbed very well. It has poor bioavailability at around only 4%.

4. Magnesium Orotate is a compound that includes both magnesium and orotic acid. Extensive scientific research by Dr. Hans A. Nieper, M.D. shows orotates can penetrate cell membranes, enabling the effective delivery of the magnesium ion to the innermost layers of the cellular mitochondria and nucleus.

This is particularly important in heart and nerve cells, which are unable to renew or regenerate when damaged, and hence effective delivery of magnesium is important to the recovery of these tissues.

5. Magnesium Chloride has a higher bioavailability than magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate, and a bioavailability equivalent to magnesium lactate. The magnesium concentration in magnesium chloride supplements is low, around 25%, to balance its higher bioavailability. A supersaturated magnesium chloride oil can be applied to the skin for sore muscles and has been recommended by some as a supplement for those who experience an undesired laxative effect from pills.

We use Magnesium Chloride in our Eneka Salt.

6. Magnesium Sulfate is a form of magnesium with an elemental concentration of 10% and lower levels of bioavailability. It contains magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen and is often sold as Epsom Salt, which can be added to baths to relieve sore muscles. It has a tendency to cause stomach discomfort and loose bowel movements.

7. Magnesium carbonate, or chalk, is used as a remedy for heartburn and upset stomach. Its bioavailability is about 30% when taken internally. It is also commonly used as chalk and used as a drying agent by pitchers, gymnasts, rock climbers, and weightlifters. Magnesium carbonate has a strong laxative effect when taken in high amounts.

8. Magnesium malate is great for increased energy and muscle soreness. Magnesium malate is a good one to take in the morning. It contains malic acid, which helps your cells make and use energy.

We love presenting options and education on minerals and the benefits they can provide. Do your own research and find out what magnesium is best for you. Minerals are such a benefit and they are each very different. We all talk about self-care but we show you how to get it.


Great article on Magnesium from the National Institute of Health linked below:




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